Kerry-Ann Stephanie Lindo bounced into this world on February 28 of 1993. In 2016, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Kerry-Ann graduated from Carleton University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in communication studies

She was an active, curious and very generous human being. From her early elementary school years, she enjoyed sports and excelled in track and field. Her track record in the 100 M sprint, while at St Patrick’s High School, is still unbroken to this day! Kerry-Ann also played the saxophone and was an enthusiastic member of her high school band. She also participated in the Navy Cadets for 6 years. She loved gardening, reading and music. In her leisure time, she would also do crocheting and made sure that family and friends were never without warm socks, house slippers and toques, to help them get through the cold Ottawa winters.

Her diagnosis in 2016 – only a year after starting her university studies – came as a real blow. This naturally had an impact on the very vibrant, attractive and youthful 23-year-old young woman. Notwithstanding, she returned to her studies once her cancer was in remission. In 2019, she started student work experience at the National Research Council (NRC) Canada in Ottawa and after two years, she was later permanently employed. She successfully completed her studies and later managed to shine in her new job, despite her health challenges. Kerry-Ann also continued to give of herself even outside of the professional domain, she was a dedicated volunteer at the CHEO cancer ward.

Kerry-Ann’s cancer came back in 2020, and for two more years, she fought with every fibre of her being. Her battle ended on May 31st, 2022.

Kerry-Ann is remembered as very gentle, yet bubbly and she was an inspiration to all who knew her. She lit up a room with her kilowatt smile! She was very fond of her sisters and brothers, and always sought to provide words of encouragement. “Every generation better than the previous one” she would say, with the most thoughtful eyes and warm expression. Kerry-Ann was a formidable fighter of this dreaded disease, but she was also a realist. She knew eventually she would succumb to it and in hopes of helping others after her as a final act of selfless generosity, she took the decision to donate her body to the University of Ottawa. Her contribution will support the advancement of medical education and scientific research, especially for breast cancer.

Value $1,000. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty of Science to an outstanding full-time undergraduate Black student enrolled in a degree program within the Faculty of Science. Eligible recipients will demonstrate community service. Preference will be given to students in demonstrated financial need. Application is required. Established in 2023 by friends, family and community members in memory of Kerry-Ann Lindo, BA/20.