Awarded annually to an undergraduate student proceeding from Third to Fourth Year who is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree with a Major in Environmental Studies. Eligible students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada (landed immigrant or a protected person), must meet OSAP’s Ontario residency requirements and must demonstrate financial need. Recipient must have a minimum grade point average of 8.0. This award has been established in honour of Rachel Carson (1907-1964), a biologist, writer and ecologist. She was a pioneer in the field of environmental studies and wrote extensively on the widespread use of synthetic chemical pesticides. Her most famous book, Silent Spring (1962), challenged the use of certain chemicals. Her words continue to have deep meaning: The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. Rachel Carson 1954 (source: Home | Rachel Carson). Endowed in 2004 by Professor Nancy Doubleday.