
Take a step beyond the classroom and explore the world of experiential learning through impactful work with community partners.

The Sprott Social Impact Hub is committed to fostering meaningful connections with charities, non-profits, and other social-impact focused initiatives. Through these collaborations, students gain real-world experiences that enhance personal development and contribute to societal good, spanning from humanitarian/international development efforts to arts, music, and other cultural endeavors.

The Background

This year, our students are embarking on a journey of experiential learning with a profound purpose. From the vibrant fashion capital of Milan to the raw beauty of rural Cambodia, our projects are making a tangible difference in the lives of marginalized Cambodian youth.

Our collaborative efforts with Il Nodo Onlus are paving the way for transformative projects that address pressing social issues both locally and globally and help students to contribute to a sustainable future for all.

The Rollout

At the Sprott Social Impact Hub, we’re dedicated to driving positive change through experiential learning and community engagement. Our collaborations with global partners empower students to enact change through innovative projects addressing real-world challenges.

Empowering Student Experiences: Your contribution will directly support the logistical expenses of an intensive field trip abroad, where students will work closely with our international partner. From transportation and accommodations to meals, every aspect of their journey is essential for their hands-on learning experience. By covering these on-the-ground costs, you’re enabling students to fully immerse themselves in the project and maximize their impact.

Fueling Innovation: In addition to supporting the field trip, your generosity will also make possible the development and testing of prototypes, acquisition of market data, and procurement of materials necessary to bring our innovations to fruition. These critical resources are the driving force behind our efforts to create tangible solutions to social challenges.

The Impact

Creating Lasting Change: By investing in these projects, you’re not only supporting student growth but also fostering lasting benefits for our partner communities. From empowering local artisans to addressing social inequalities, your support aligns with Carleton University’s commitment to community engagement and social responsibility.

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Donation Total: $25.00